
Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Know your competition. After all, if others are succeeding in your market they must be doing something right – and you want to know what that is. But as we’ve seen with keyword selection, your competitors may not be who you think they are. Are you really clear about what you offer? What do you do that your competitors don’t do? What do they do that you don’t do? These are all questions you need to answer during the process of competitive analysis. For example, if your business is selling and restoring vintage electric and acoustic guitars but Bob’s Vintage Guitar shop on the other side of town only sells but doesn’t restore, then you’ve got a competitive advantage that you need to emphasize on your website. On the other hand, if Roy’s Vintage Guitar shop in the next town restores vintage foreign and domestic guitars but you only restore American made guitars, then Roy has the advantage. Maybe there is a good reason you only work with American made guitars. If so, then you have an opportunity to create content explaining the reason. You may be able to turn what appears to be a disadvantage into a clear advantage. What about the big box franchise with stores in every major city in the country – not your competition. Yes they have a robust website that includes online purchasing capability but they have a marketing budget you will never be able to compete with. Instead, concentrate on what you do well and emphasize what you do that others don’t.

How do Your Competitors Rank?

What are some of the keywords and phrases your competition is ranking for? Are they the same ones that you want to rank for? We’ll help you get there. By typing your desired keywords into Google’s search field you will be able to see who is coming up on page one of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) for those particular keywords. Now we have some data to work with. By diving into your competitors’ websites we can analyze things like keyword frequency, keyword distribution, are they using related keywords, synonyms, other derivations of their keywords. We will also be able to analyze their meta tags, pieces of HTML code that Google looks for when it crawls your pages. How are they using their title and description tags? Are they using alt text on all of their images?

Traffic Vs Conversion

What is the goal of your website?  If you’re in business then it’s pretty obvious that you’re selling something, either a product or a service. Your website then should be the marketing tool that persuades people to buy more of what you’re selling. That’s why we work hard to underscore the difference between traffic and conversion. Traffic is simply how many people visit your website. Conversion refers to how many of the people who visit your website turn into customers, clients, patients or whatever the appropriate classification is for your business. High page rank is the first step. After all, if people searching for your business online can’t find it then the rest of the process never happens. If you’re not on page one of the SERP then you might as well be on page 100. In the next step, people who find you click to your website. What they find when they get there determines what happens next. The point is people who arrive at your website after finding you in a Google search are looking for something. If they don’t see it immediately they will leave and never become customers. In other words, they won’t convert. We will help you turn visitors into customers.




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