Think SEO is Too Expensive? Think Again.

I Knew I Should Have Gotten Directions

Why is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so expensive? I hear this question all the time. I’m going to tell you why. But first a brief history lesson. In the beginning (mid-nineties) there were few websites. It was easy to get found. Just pack a few keywords into the content of your site and voilá, there you were. Now there are more websites than stars in the sky (yes, I’m exaggerating to make a point.) It’s NOT easy to get found anymore. End of history lesson.

Search Engine Rank: Easy Concept, Hard Execution

Think of your new website like a new house. You’ve spent  all this money to design and build it. It’s finally done. You’re  excited. You throw a party and invite people over to see your sparkling new home. No one shows up. What happened? You forgot to tell them how to find you. See where  I’m going with this? There are just too many websites for you to not take search engine optimization seriously. Taking it seriously means accepting that you have to pay for it. I’m not going to get into who you should hire to do this. Like any other industry there are those who are very good at it and those who aren’t but claim to be. For purposes of this rant I will assume that you understand that.

So Here is Why It’s So Expensive

Because of the sheer volume  of websites (there will likely be thousands  more by the time you finish reading this), search engine optimization has evolved into a stand alone skill set. Getting your website to stand out from the countless others in your industry and in your geographical area takes expertise and experience. Here are a few things you need  to understand:

  • content – if you’re undertaking an optimization effort on an existing  site, your content will have to be reviewed for keyword density and placement. The content may have to be edited or rewritten entirely
  • research – the keywords you think your customers are using to find you may not be the ones they’re  using at all. Only keyword research and competitive analysis can determine this
  • tools – an experienced SEO person knows how to use the right tools to uncover the information necessary to achieve high page rank
  • measurability – (I made up this word. You get the point.) your SEO efforts have to be analyzed and measured for effectiveness to ensure the proper  strategies are being used
  • reporting – periodic reports need to be provided. This is part of measurability
  • tweaking – depending on results your website may have to be tweaked and  adjusted
  • time – doing all of the above well takes time. That’s why it’s expensive.

I can go on. The point is this: If you take your  business seriously enough to invest in a well designed website, skimping on search engine optimization will cancel out all of your best intentions. It’s  kind of like building a brand new house and never  telling anyone how to find it. Unless you’re a recluse (I’m assuming you’re not), this is just not going to work.

And Now Back to You

Have your search engine optimization efforts paid off? Is your website being found? Do you agree or disagree with my analysis? Did you skimp? Be honest.

Photo credit: snappybex

8 Sure Fire Indicators It’s Time to Overhaul Your Website

8 Sure Fire Indicators It’s Time to Overhaul Your Website

Back in 1995 I wondered how I would make a living once every business had a website. I hadn’t yet fully grasped the real potential of the web. Few people did. Over the years, of course, it has become obvious that websites, like gardens, need tending. Sometimes they need more than tending. They need to be …. well they need to be overhauled, gutted and replaced like a condemned building. There, I’ve said it. So here are my top 8 indicators that its time to overhaul your website.  Any one of these should cause you to lose sleep. If more than one is true about your website then …. well you get the idea.

1. Your Website is About as “In Style” as a 1970’s Leisure Suit

Looks aren’t everything. I get it. But you only have 5 seconds to capture your visitors’ attention. If your website is the equivalent of an outdated leisure suit, your visitors will run away screaming and won’t come back. Take a good look at your website. Better yet, have someone you trust who isn’t emotionally invested take a look at it. If it looks like a leisure suit it’s time for an overhaul

2. You’ve Never Updated Your Website

Shame on you! You simply cannot publish a website and never update the content. Do you think there is nothing new to say about your business? Really? Do you sell nuts and bolts? Then tell us what’s new in the world of nuts and bolts. Do you sell concrete? Tell us who you’re selling it to and why they’re thrilled with you. This is not so much about overhauling your website as it is about overhauling the way you think about your website. Think there is nothing new to say? Think again.

3. Important Information is Hard to Find

The information on your site needs to be categorized and presented to the user in some logical way. That  means links to information must be clearly visible and not buried where users can’t find them. If your site’s navigation is confusing, it may be time for an overhaul.

4. You Can’t Update Your Site Yourself

Today, the majority of new websites being launched are built on a content management system or CMS. The great benefit of a CMS is that it makes updating content very simple and requires no knowledge of HTML or programming. Now companies can take full control of the day to day management of their websites. There goes your excuse. If your website was not built on a CMS platform, it is definitely time  for an overhaul.

5. Your Site Doesn’t Show Up Until Page 10 on a Google Search

Achieving high page position on a SRP (Search Results Page) is the stated goal of every business website. But I often see a disconnect between the goal and the execution. It’s about relevant content. If your site is not ranking well for a particular keyword phrase, chances are that phrase doesn’t appear anywhere in your content. Or if it does, the context in which it appears is misleading. If this is the case with your website, it’s time for an overhaul.

6. You’re Embarrassed to Tell People About Your Website

You guessed it. Time for an overhaul.

7. Your Site Was Designed Entirely in Flash

Ouch! That’s so 2008. I’ve talked about this before but it bears repeating. Flash is a very compelling technology that can, when used properly, add some great visual “pop” to your website. But a site built entirely in Flash is virtually impossible to maintain, scores very poorly in search engines, isn’t universally supported on mobile devices (like the iPhone for example) and can distract people from the most important aspect of your website – its content. If your site is built entirely in Flash, it’s time for an overhaul.

8. Your Site Isn’t Bringing You Any Business

Isn’t that the the goal? To get business from your website? If you aren’t, chances are that several of the points mentioned above are at play. That’s why I’ve saved this one for last. If this is the case for you then your website needs to be thoroughly reviewed …and probably overhauled.

And Now Back to You

In almost every case my clients’ websites suffered from at least two or more of these maladies before we worked together to fix them. As a business owner, can you look at your website with an unbiased eye and determine which, if any, of the above problems applies? If you’ve already overhauled your website has it made a difference in your business? I’d like to get your point of view.

Photo credit: reynolds.james.e


SEO Revisited

Search Engine OptimizationLast June I posted an entry called SEO – Sorting it Out, in which I talked about some general terms relating to search engine optimization,  i.e. the difference between sponsored and organic search, submitting your site to search engines, etc. I thought it might be a good idea to revisit the topic and offer some more information that you will find useful.

The Keyword Meta Tag – Does it Still Count?

The keyword meta tag, after years of abuse, has lost its significance. In fact, according to Matt Cutts, Google’s own search quality specialist, Google disregards it completely.

While less rigid than Google regarding the use of the keyword meta tag, Bing still acknowledges that it’s not as important as it used to be. According to Bing’s Webmaster Center blog:

The <meta> tag’s keyword attribute is not the page rank panacea it once was back in the prehistoric days of Internet search. It was abused far too much and lost most of its cachet. But there’s no need to ignore the tag. Take advantage of all legitimate opportunities to score keyword credit, even when the payoff is relatively low. Fill in this tag’s text with relevant keywords and phrases that describe that page’s content.

So what’s the verdict? While there is certainly no harm in using the keyword meta tag, my advice is focus on keyword rich content and don’t worry about the keyword meta tag. But remember, your content should make sense to humans first. Context matters.

Use the Tools

Yes, the big players in the search universe make all the rules. But they don’t keep them a secret. In fact, both Google and Bing make their suggestions and protocols very public. So if you’re a hands on type and want to know more about search engine best practices, here are a few musts:

  • use google analytics – this is a bit of code inserted into the pages of your website that allows google to track user interaction with your site. The data generated is pretty detailed and can help you tweak your site to increase traffic… and it’s free. Find out more here:
  • use webmaster tools – both Google ( and Bing ( offer these tools. These tips come straight from the horse’s mouth. Doesn’t it make sense to use them?
  • understand the <title> and <description> meta tags– each page of your site should have its own unique title and description. These two elements combined make up the snippet you usually see in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). This is not the place to be verbose. The title tag should be limited to 70 characters and the description tag to 150, give or take.

    The google snippet

    The way the snippet appears in the search results page

  • use an xml sitemap – most people are familiar with the html site map. That’s the page on a website usually found by clicking the Sitemap link. It presents the user with a visual representation of the site’s page structure.  The xml version is not visible to users. It is uploaded to the root directory of the web server. It gives the search spiders a quick snapshot view of the site’s structure thus making it easier for the search robots to crawl and index your site. Both Google and Bing recommend using an xml sitemap.

What if This is All Too Technical for Me?

Fair question. Especially given that these recommendations are only a small part of good optimization. If you are not the hands on type then make sure the individual or company you are hiring to build your website thoroughly understands and is planning to implement all of the above.

Are all of these recommendations in place on your website? Was it discussed before development began?

Flash Animation – Do You Need It?

Adobe FlashFlash animation is an exciting technology that brings motion and visual appeal to the web. When used well it results in a rich and compelling user experience…a good thing to be sure. But before you decide to use Flash in your website there are questions you should ask, things you should know and serious problems to avoid.


Ask yourself why you want to incorporate Flash animation into your website. If the only answer you come up with is because it’s fun to look at, DON’T do it. Your website is a marketing platform. It’s how you are getting the message across about what you are selling, whether it’s a product or a service. The gratuitous use of Flash will divert visitor attention away from your core message. Clearly not what you had in mind when you decided to bring you business to the web. Do you want your visitors to be distracted by the bouncing ball or engaged by compelling content?

Search Engines Can’t See it

While your visitors might be impressed with a slick Flash animation, your most powerful potential ally – Search Engines – will remain blissfully unaware of it. In fact, the Flash piece that you’re so proud of represents a barrier to search results and can end up neutralizing your well constructed marketing plan. Hundreds, perhaps thousand of companies – including some Fortune 1000 brands – found out after spending huge amounts of money on visually slick Flash based websites that they disappeared from search engine results. A good rule of thumb….don’t sacrifice powerful, keyword rich content presented in an uncluttered format for gratuitous eye candy.

So When Should I Use Flash?

In the hands of a talented, experienced programmer, Flash animation can add enormous value to your website. Here are some recommendations:

  • Never build a website entirely in Flash
  • Use Flash in small areas inside of a page and never at the top of a page where it will be a potential obstacle to search spiders
  • Never build your website’s navigation system using Flash
  • Write good content and then use Flash to support/direct attention to that content NOT divert attention away from it
  • Use Flash animation to increase the odds that your visitors will take the action(s) you want them to take like buying something, reading something, subscribing to something, etc.

Who Will Update My Website? – You Will!

Back in the old days of the internet – I’m talking about 1995 – [because the web and the technologies associated with it change at lightening speed, I like to think of web years as dog years – one year equals seven. That means that 1995 was really 112 years ago ] building a website was a difficult process reserved for technical types who were schooled in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the programming language used to build web pages. This meant that whenever changes had to be made to a company’s website, whether the addition of images or the editing of text, the technical staff had to get involved. This was time consuming and costly. The internet became flooded with static web pages that almost never changed. Publish it and forget it was the rule.

Fast Forward

As the internet evolved and businesses began to see its enormous potential, products were developed to give non-technical people the ability to build and maintain websites without knowing HTML and without involving the technical staff. Some of the early tools, Microsofts’s Front Page1 and Macromedia’s Dreamweaver2 to name two, broke new ground but were clumsy and often plagued by bugs and inconsistent results. As the web began adopting uniform standards, web building and management tools continued to evolve. At the same time, the proliferation of websites demanded that non-technical staff be able to manage their web properties while leaving the IT staff to manage higher level priorities. The content management system was born.

So What Exactly is a Content Management System?, a European internet consulting firm specializing in helping companies choose the best content management system for their needs offers a simple, concise working definition:

Web Content Management systems were developed to resolve the issue of having highly experienced technical staff adding low level content to a website. In essence, a CMS exists to allow non technical staff to create or amend web pages without the need to involve the technical staff.

It’s worth repeating. A CMS provides the opportunity to create, edit and control content by presenting the non technical user with an interface that requires no knowledge of programming languages or markup to create and manage content.

How Many Content Management Systems Are There and How Do I Pick One

The good news is that you don’t have to pick one. Not all content management systems are the same. It’s the job of your web design company to assess your needs and choose the system that best matches those needs. Builtwith Technology, a web based provider of usage statistics offers this list of the top ten most popular content management systems:

  • WordPress – with 4,064,217 websites
  • Joomla – with 1,408,972 websites
  • Website Tonight – with 452,259 websites
  • Blogger – with 398,653 websites
  • Homestead – with 305,454 websites
  • Drupal – with 281,231 websites
  • Microsoft Office Live Small Business – with 161,104 websites
  • Google Sites – with 153,576 websites
  • TYPO Open Source CMS – with 152,225 websites
  • NetObjects Fusion – with 140,792 websites

In the final analysis, the only questions that really matter when choosing a content management system are:

  • does it address all my business needs
  • is it easy to use

I’d like to know what you think. Why not post a comment?

1. Microsoft no longer manufactures Front Page and no longer supports existing versions
2. Dreamweaver is now produced by Adobe and modern versions are dramatically improved and quite useful